Soul-Full Business ALCHEMY

bUILD an abundant business that is fully in alignment with your Soul path and blueprint.

As a driven woman entrepreneur, coach, business owner or professional, you have a vision - to create an abundant and prosperous venture

that's an authentic expression of your soul's purpose.

Business consultant

Yet, you may find yourself:

Young tired blonde woman with long hair at office
Bullet Point Organic List

Feeling stuck, unsure of the next steps to take your business to new heights

Questioning if you're on the right path or if your offerings truly align with your deeper calling

Haunted by past failures or setbacks that have shaken your confidence and momentum.

Pampas grass outdoor in light pastel colors. Dry reeds boho style

Imagine the freedom of

Waking up each day with clarity, inspiration and an unshakable sense of purpose driving your work

Attracting an abundance of ideal clients/customers who deeply resonate with your authentic message

Scaling your income and impact without sacrificing your well-being or personal life

Embodying the unstoppable confidence that comes from operating in alignment with your Soul

Let me start by telling you

a story...

In 2018, I embarked on a journey rooted in my heart's deepest desire – to help women heal through my work. It was a calling I couldn't ignore, yet the path ahead was unclear. Like many of you, in those early days, I felt lost and unsure of how to make my healing and coaching business truly flourish. I naively thought I could figure it all out alone, that I had all the answers within me.

But I quickly found myself stuck in a cycle of taking course after course, telling myself, "After this one, I'll be ready!" I even worked with five different business coaches, diligently following their advice. Yet no matter what I tried, nothing seemed to click. I wasn't making the progress I craved.

Then came a powerful realization - a turning point. Despite going all in, I felt disconnected from my truth. It hit me: I had been following everyone else's guidance but my own. The path I was on wasn't aligned with my true essence, with my Soul; I was misdirected.

It became clear that I needed to bridge the gap between my business and what my soul truly wanted to express. We're all unique beings, and each of us has our own special way of manifesting our purpose.

And so, my journey took a new direction - one guided not just by external advice, but by an inner knowing, a deep connection to my true purpose. This is where the magic began to unfold.

The path to building a soul-full business is rarely linear. But I'm here to share the hard-won wisdom I've gained along the way. I'm here to help you connect with your own unique path and support you as you manifest your incredible entrepreneurial journey in total alignment with your soul's calling.

Stay tuned, because this transformative odyssey is far from over. The most rewarding adventures are those we walk in our own way, at our own pace, guided by our inner truth.

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Do any of these scenarios resonate with you? Are you:

Feeling Stuck? You're working tirelessly towards your dreams, but it feels like you're running in place, unable to make significant progress.

Lost and Unmotivated? The lack of a clear direction leaves you feeling adrift, unsure of your next steps, and lacking the motivation to find them.

Exhausted from Effort with Little Reward? Despite pouring your heart and soul into your work, the results are disappointingly sparse.

Trapped in a Draining Routine? Your daily grind is stifling, leaving no room for growth, personal shine, or the vibrant life you envision.

Struggling to Attract Your Ideal Customers? You aim to connect with clients who truly value and resonate with your offerings, yet you find yourself attracting those who don't align with your vision.

The 3 Biggest Challenges Female Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Coaches and Creators Face

If you're nodding along, know that you're not alone. Many women entrepreneurs face these challenges, feeling like they're at a standstill, despite their best efforts. But there's hope, and a path forward exists. You can start to break free from these common pitfalls and steer your business and life towards the fulfillment and success you deserve.

The hurdles you currently face are impeding the sustainable growth of your business, yet your determination and readiness for transformation shine through. It's now the moment to liberate yourself from these constraints and forge a fresh path toward achievement and fulfillment.

Our program aims to empower you in manifesting a business and life that yield abundant and prosperous results, directly addressing the challenges highlighted earlier.

Together, we will construct a business that authentically reflects your true self, unleashing your full potential!

Soul-full business ALCHEMY

Happy Business Woman
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Soul-Full Business Alchemy is ultimately a path,

Happy Business Woman Talking on Cell Phone

not only to prosperity, but also to greater

self-knowledge, self-healing and higher consciousness

You don't have time to navigate the journey alone or spend countless hours trying to find all the answers yourself.

You need a roadmap FULL of SOUL

That's why I created this program, to give you the steps to get what you want, and where you want to be!

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Soul-Full Business Alchemy is my exclusive One-on-One Signature program thoughtfully crafted for visionary female coaches, entrepreneurs, healers, and professionals. This transformative journey is designed to empower you in building a business that authentically reflects the divine essence of your soul, while effortlessly and abundantly manifesting your desired results.

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Who is this Mentorship for?

I support women entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, and healers who deeply grasp the significance of inner transformation. They recognize their inherent ability to manifest a thriving business and ultimately live a life filled with abundance, guided by the wisdom of their Soul.

If you are like my clients, you are:

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An Open-Hearted and Motivated Woman: You are eager to grow and build your business, leading it to prosperity.

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Yearning to Attract Ideal Clients: You long to connect with clients who truly benefit from what you offer.

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Seeking Inspiration and Fulfillment: At times, you feel a sense of emptiness and lack inspiration, but deep down, you know your life is meant for more.

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Ready to Reignite Your Inner Fire: You have a fire within, waiting to be reignited, and you can deeply feel it.

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Called to Live Authentically: Your soul is calling you to unleash your true self and live with authenticity.

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Valuing Self-Love and Acceptance: You recognize the importance of loving, accepting, and valuing yourself more.

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Trusting Your Life’s Path: You yearn to trust yourself and your life’s path.

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Tapping into Inner Wisdom: You’re eager to tap into your inner wisdom, intuition, and creative power to build a business that aligns with your soul’s plan and desires. No more excuses!

Woman at beach working on laptop

Imagine how different your life could be a few months from now if you join the Soul-Full Business Alchemy

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By the end of this program you'll be...

Business Woman Shouting Through Megaphone


You will ignite your inner drive, infusing purpose and enthusiasm into your actions to propel you towards your goals.

Happy business woman
Pretty woman



You'll embrace your inner strength, confidently expressing your needs and unique offerings to create powerful connections and opportunities.

You'll Unleash your true essence, aligning your values and passions with your business to create a magnetic presence that resonates with your ideal clients.

Smiling Woman in Fur Coat Posing


You'll have a newfound perspective on prosperity and manifesting opportunities that lead to sustainable success and fulfillment.

Your other options?

Spend hours surfing Google, reading books, taking free masterclasses and E-Books from coaches, and trying to piece together the information yourself with no support, guidance and healing.

Tired and Disappointed Woman at Home

So, how is this program different?

I know you're busy so I promise that everything I teach will be useful and valuable to you and your everyday life.

I'll give you step-by-step processes, done-for-you programs, and targeted resources to get results as quickly as possible.

I want to share my experience with you. I'm already on the journey you're about to begin and I've got a proven strategy.

Teacher at Her Classroom Desk

6 Month Intuitive Coaching Experience

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12 Coaching sessions, 2 weeks apart, via Zoom

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Each session is a 90 mins long, bringing a. combination of Intuitive Coaching, Astrology, Akashic Records and Energy Healing.

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WhatsApp access to me for 10 months to communicate in-between sessions (response within 24 hours)

Each session will be unveiling your Soul Path, Blueprint and Purpose and the sacred work you'd want to express through your Business

With Soul-Full Business Mentorship you'll get...


Video lessons

Meditation Line Art

Meditations and Activations

Contacts Avatars Computer Half Line   Style Icon

Personal guidance

Open Book icon

Soul-Inquiry Worksheeets

Talk Bubbles Message Communication Icon Multiply Line

1:1 support for 10 months

Illustration of a Stopwatch

Lifetime access


During my sessions with Laura I came to understand that my soul’s journey is meant to be leading, teaching and writing. I have always enjoyed writing, and I love facilitating learning programs that encourage growth. As a lifetime learner, I love exploring new tools and skills to deepen my knowledge and expand my consciousness. Without discovering this part of my purpose, this book would not exist.

What people are saying...

Extract from the book Leave It All On The Dance Floor:

Why It's NEVER Too Late To Follow Your Dreams.

Written by Laura Cooke


I was at a standstill in my life, sort of stuck, and after this workshop my world opened up, opportunities arose and I grabbed them at every turn.I owe this new life of mine to Laura Tio. She is my Reiki mentor, soul purpose mentor, and I am honoured to have her in my life.


After my experiences with Laura I have changed a lot, I have reaffirmed myself much more, recognizing my true self. With Laura I have worked a lot with my inner child and with the adult woman that I am. I have learned to give love to that child and to stop victimizing myself as a woman. I have taken my responsibility in life and taken the time to analyze the things that happen, to stop living in the past and the future to empower my present.

Meet your coach, astrologer and healer

Hi, I'm Laura

As a Soul-Full Business Coach, Astrology Consultant, and Energy Healer, I bring a deep understanding of the mind-body-heart-spirit connection to my work. My passion lies in supporting expansive women—entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals—on their journeys of soul evolution, healing, and manifestation. I guide you to reconnect with your essence and Higher Self, helping you create a life and business filled with abundance, purpose, and beauty. Through transformative inner work, shifting perceptions, and deep healing, I help you discover your Soul's purpose and take inspired actions in alignment with your Soul’s Blueprint, who you came here to be. With compassion, care, and intuitive insight, I provide a sacred safe space for you to embrace the divine gifts of your Soul and manifest your life and business to their fullest potential.

What's in the program?

Part One

This section focuses on understanding your soul, talents, gifts, purpose and life's mission. It's a great starting point to help you gain clarity and identify you unique strengths.

Your Entrepreneurial Soul Purpose







Your Soul's Path Roadmap

Soul Realignment®

Your Passions and Talents

Your Core Values

Shifting your perceptions on Life Experiences

Your Life's Mission

What's in the program?

Part Two

Healing past wounds and addressing inner child issues are crucial for personal growth and transformation. This section will assist you in identifying and healing emotional blocks or traumas that may be holding you back from fully expressing your potential.

Soul Healing







Healing the 3R's (Resentment, Regret, Rejection)

Blocks and patterns from Akashic Records

Beliefs Transmutation

Healing your Inner Child (First Steps)

Overcoming Resistance

Soul Healing

What's in the program?

Part Three

This section focuses on aligning your business with your Soul. Creating a sacred business blueprint that reflects your purpose, vision, mission, and values will help you build an authentic and fulfilling business.

Soul Alignment







Your Entreprenur profile

Your Manifesting Blueprint

Your Manifesting Blueprint into practice

Your Business Astrology Chart and Synastry

Attracting your Ideal Client

Attracting your Ideal Client


Join Soul-Full Business Alchemy today and let your Soul's brilliance illuminate the world!

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But wait - there's more!

i've got a bonus for you

You’ll gain access to “Manifesting your Soul’s Desires with Lunar Magic”: A transformative course unlocking the magic of intentional living through Moon manifestation, connection to its cycles and sacred rituals.


Computer Laptop

You’ll also get access to my course “Discover your Soul’s Purpose”, a 9-module transformative journey to connect with your essence, live a life of fulfillment, and radiate your unique light in the world.

The Results of Working with Laura

So let’s recap. With Soul-Full Business Alchemy you'll get...


Video lessons

Meditation Line Art

Meditations and Activations

Contacts Avatars Computer Half Line   Style Icon

1:1 Personal guidance

Open Book icon

Soul-Inquiry Worksheeets

Talk Bubbles Message Communication Icon Multiply Line

1:1 additional support for a total of 10 months

Illustration of a Stopwatch

Lifetime access

Woman Working with a Laptop

The Energy Exchange is CAD $5,650

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Check Icon in a Circle
Check Icon in a Circle

Personalized Guidance: Experience the undivided attention and support of a seasoned mentor who will deeply understand your unique aspirations and challenges.

Align with your Soul’s Purpose: Uncover your soul's essence and divine talents through modalities like astrology and akashic records, then craft a business model harmonizing your soul's calling with practical strategies.

Develop a personalized Success Blueprint: Co-create a comprehensive, soul-guided roadmap that empowers you to manifest your dreams and bring your unique vision to life.

Check Icon in a Circle
Check Icon in a Circle
Check Icon in a Circle

Tailored for Expansive Women Leaders: Our program is designed to recognize and harness the unique qualities and strengths of expansive women leaders, empowering them for exponential growth.

Authentic Business Building: Craft a business that resonates with your values, embraces your authentic self, and connects profoundly with your target audience.

Sustainable Growth: Establish a foundation for long-term success and sustainability in both your personal and professional life.

Special Offer

15% off

if you join today (VALID UNTIL Jun 30th)

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one payment

6 monthly payments

CAD $5,650

Coupon Code:


CAD $4,803

CAD $942

Coupon Code:


CAD $801

Got questions?

What if I can't afford the program right now?

I hear you and I've been there. Taking a leap and investing in yourself is a huge decision. All I can do is speak from my own experience; when I invest in myself, life gets pretty awesome.

I'm so busy - will I have time to get results?

Yes. The course is structured so that you can devour all of it in one go or you can take it at a much slower pace. However you choose to access the course, it is broken down into small, implementable steps that make it easy to digest and fit into your schedule.

What if I don't like the course?

I think you will love learning from the course and appreciate belonging to a supportive community of like-minded women. However, if you are not satisfied, please contact me in the first 14 days and I will refund you - no questions asked.

How long do I get access to the course?

You will have lifetime access. I will be regularly updating the course to keep in line with industry changes and you'll receive these updates as part of your lifetime access.

Contact us
